Željka J.
Nina V
Matija Runje
17 posters
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
Alex likes this post
Vlatko- Broj komentara : 460
Registration date : 2009-07-04
Upravo je u višednevnoj prepisci s jednim zaluđenim rimokatolikom koji se poziva na ovu knjigu:
Gozba Jaganjčeva otkriva drevni nauk crkvenih otaca: ranokršćanski ključ za otkrivanje otajstva mise bila je novozavjetna Knjiga Otkrivenja. Svojim fantastičnim slikovitim prikazima, mističnim viđenjima neba i proročanstvima o svršetku svijeta, Otkrivenje odražava žrtvu i slavlje euharistije.
Lik je tvrd ko beton, ali ideje su mu vrlo "originalne". Tvrdi je je Otkrivenje ustvari Euharistija.
Gozba Jaganjčeva otkriva drevni nauk crkvenih otaca: ranokršćanski ključ za otkrivanje otajstva mise bila je novozavjetna Knjiga Otkrivenja. Svojim fantastičnim slikovitim prikazima, mističnim viđenjima neba i proročanstvima o svršetku svijeta, Otkrivenje odražava žrtvu i slavlje euharistije.
Lik je tvrd ko beton, ali ideje su mu vrlo "originalne". Tvrdi je je Otkrivenje ustvari Euharistija.
Vlatko- Broj komentara : 460
Registration date : 2009-07-04
Vlatko- Broj komentara : 460
Registration date : 2009-07-04
Kad papa govori treba ga slušati:
Vlatko- Broj komentara : 460
Registration date : 2009-07-04
Članak star oko godinu dana, ekumenizam otvara sva vrata:
Vlatko- Broj komentara : 460
Registration date : 2009-07-04
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
GREŠNI: Popovi krali pare iz Hrama Svetog Save, na Vaskrs maznuli 3,5 miliona!
Ovaj članak podsjetio me na savjet u jevanđelju po Mateju 10:23, "kad vas potjeraju u jednom gradu, bježite u drugi", samo u izopačenoj verziji: "kad napravite neki teški ispad u jednom gradu, ništa ne brinite, crkva će vas za kaznu premjestiti u drugi."Krađa se desila na Vaskrs, kad je u Srbiju stigao blagodatni oganj iz Jerusalima. Ljudi su davali ogromne novčane priloge, a devetoro sveštenika strpalo je novac u svoj džep.
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
Nina V- Broj komentara : 51
Registration date : 2015-10-23
Ja sam odgledala pola od jedne emisije i nisam mogla vise. Dovoljno mi je bilo da me zeludac zaboli od svega sto sam cula.
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
U lažiranim religijama, jednako kao u ateizmu, ljudi znaju (makar to bilo podsvjesno) da su u neprijateljstvu sa Bogom, i onda grabe "sve što im život pruža", posebno oni na visokim položajima kojima su razne svjetovne privilegije na dohvat ruke. Duhovna i moralna izopačenost srazmjerne su stepenu lažiranošću religije i uopšte životne ideologije.Nina V (citat):
Ja sam odgledala pola od jedne emisije i nisam mogla vise. Dovoljno mi je bilo da me zeludac zaboli od svega sto sam cula.
U crkvama se ljudi uče autoritetu crkve, tu zapravo Bog ne postoji osim kao neki apstraktni pojam ili mu se pripisuju radnje demona, dok crkva ostaje "nedodirljiva" šta god da se desi. Kroz užasno iskustvo ovog Jovanovića, koliko god on bio svjedok teških zločina pojedinaca, sprege crkve i države i praktično zakona ispomaganja, skrivanja i ćutanja kao u mafiji, on i dalje vjeruje da Sveti Duh bira patrijarha, da tamo prima blagoslov, itd. Nevjerovatna je sila ispiranja mozga koja se radi u tim ustanovama.
Nina V- Broj komentara : 51
Registration date : 2015-10-23
PavleS (citat):U lažiranim religijama, jednako kao u ateizmu, ljudi znaju (makar to bilo podsvjesno) da su u neprijateljstvu sa Bogom, i onda grabe "sve što im život pruža", posebno oni na visokim položajima kojima su razne svjetovne privilegije na dohvat ruke. Duhovna i moralna izopačenost srazmjerne su stepenu lažiranošću religije i uopšte životne ideologije.Nina V (citat):
Ja sam odgledala pola od jedne emisije i nisam mogla vise. Dovoljno mi je bilo da me zeludac zaboli od svega sto sam cula.
U crkvama se ljudi uče autoritetu crkve, tu zapravo Bog ne postoji osim kao neki apstraktni pojam ili mu se pripisuju radnje demona, dok crkva ostaje "nedodirljiva" šta god da se desi. Kroz užasno iskustvo ovog Jovanovića, koliko god on bio svjedok teških zločina pojedinaca, sprege crkve i države i praktično zakona ispomaganja, skrivanja i ćutanja kao u mafiji, on i dalje vjeruje da Sveti Duh bira patrijarha, da tamo prima blagoslov, itd. Nevjerovatna je sila ispiranja mozga koja se radi u tim ustanovama.
Gledajuci ovaj video stekla sam utisak kao da je sam sotona kroz njega pricao(tog Kacavendu), i cak kao da ga grize savjest ako ne iskoristi nekog koga je mozda mogao da iskoristi. Toliko mu je otupjela savjest. Interesantno je to koliko sotona moze da ponizi jedno Bozije stvorenje ako mu dozvoli. Ko zna koliko ima ovakvih Kacavendi o kojima se cuti iz straha...
Vlatko- Broj komentara : 460
Registration date : 2009-07-04
Jako zanimljivo:
Heinrich Pesch was, like yourself, a Jesuit priest. In fact, Pesch is credited with having written the biggest textbook ever published on economics. A monster 5 volume work that lays out in detail the Peschian vision of a future world – a society where your Catholic Church has become (again) dominant despite remaining capitalist. Translation in to English and popular sale of Pesch’s work in recent days is increasingly being described as an important affair by many leaders of big corporations and academic institutes (both in Catholic Europe and in the USA) who have recently been falling over one other to send their executives to Germany – to the so-called Pesch Hause in Luwigshaven, Germany. Seminars there and elsewhere are organised (each day preceded by the attendance of delegates at Mass) in which the Peschian vision of a future capitalist world is discussed in detail.
Only recently translated in to English language his ‘Lehrbuch der Nationalökonomie’ – ‘Textbook of National Economics’ claims to be the product of its writer having studied all serious economic thinking up until his time, including the works of Adam Smith, Karl Marx and many other economists and social writers. And Pesch has some things associated with his system already. It was Pesch who first coined the phrase ‘Solidarity’ as a description of social Catholic action – the title famously given to the trade union organisation (hugely supported by the Vatican) at the shipyard in Gdansk and other places in Poland at the end of the communist era.
His view of a dominant Catholicism for America, economically, is one of a nation virtually defined by the teachings of that church. One whose enemies (defined by Pesch himself) include liberal capitalists and of course, socialists. (Sounds familiar, yes ?). The morality of this new economic system will be nothing less than that found in encyclicals issued by the papacy in Rome.
Those who support Pesch's ‘Brave New World’ system of economics will be approved by such a Catholic state but those who dissent will effectively be rejected. A revival of Roman Catholic power, and this time in the USA and in Europe.
Critics of Pesch say there are major difficulties in trying to impose any church based system on western capitalist democracies. First, of course, those who drew up the Constitution of the USA and other democratic states were wise to keep church and state separate. Secondly, countries like the USA are far too mistrustful of a rampant Catholicism or any single dominant religious authority. And, thirdly, though the immense power and influence of the Catholic Church is undeniable (and is still growing) there is no realistic possibility that any single church or religious system would ever be accepted by democratic society as a whole. (Unless society choses to bypass democracy and its own Constitution completely in a time of virtual lawlessness).
Supporters of Pesch admit these difficulties. But conferences take place all over Europe these days on Pesch’s model in the belief that, eventually, the sheer financial power of corporate America will support Pesch's scheme and that their combined pressure will be enough to amend the US Constitution in support of his model of a Catholic church and state. Needless to say, critics also point out that his vision (almost unreported to date in mainstream media) is a threat to civil liberties.
I mention Pesch’s system because it's now being taught in schools and colleges (particularly those run by the hugely influential Jesuit colleges and universities of the USA and Europe) and because such a plan is sure to meet serious opposition once its implications are appreciated. That major corporations are silent backers of Jesuit colleges and universities is, of course, easily shown.
Pesch’s plan is therefore a simple one - that capitalist society would be ruled from a center of authority approved by and subject to the Catholic Church and no other source of authority. But Pesch (as others before him) seems to have forgotten (or was ignorant of the fact) that in Christianity its Founder specifically taught that ‘My kingdom is NOT of this world’. How such a simple fact can be set to one side has not been explained. An error of this kind by an economist or social thinker (one who professes Christianity) is surely one of the most serious that can be made. That the Catholic Church (supported, no doubt, by its various ecumenical affiliates) does have colossal financial power within the word of big business is indisputable. But, (even within the Vatican), there has always been corruption, sleeze, bad practice and downright dishonesty. Such facts will always remain obvious and will always be able to be shown. Pesch sees no future for socialism of any kind.
Corporate America already owes the American people a great deal. It's lobbying power has been immense. It remains to be seen whether Americans will now be seduced by Pesch’s economic system.
I would welcome the chance to use this forum as a place to discuss the Jesuits of America and the events of 9/11 with you if such exchanges are possible between us in goodwill. I offer you my own goodwill with nothing but truth as the objective for this post.
Heinrich Pesch was, like yourself, a Jesuit priest. In fact, Pesch is credited with having written the biggest textbook ever published on economics. A monster 5 volume work that lays out in detail the Peschian vision of a future world – a society where your Catholic Church has become (again) dominant despite remaining capitalist. Translation in to English and popular sale of Pesch’s work in recent days is increasingly being described as an important affair by many leaders of big corporations and academic institutes (both in Catholic Europe and in the USA) who have recently been falling over one other to send their executives to Germany – to the so-called Pesch Hause in Luwigshaven, Germany. Seminars there and elsewhere are organised (each day preceded by the attendance of delegates at Mass) in which the Peschian vision of a future capitalist world is discussed in detail.
Only recently translated in to English language his ‘Lehrbuch der Nationalökonomie’ – ‘Textbook of National Economics’ claims to be the product of its writer having studied all serious economic thinking up until his time, including the works of Adam Smith, Karl Marx and many other economists and social writers. And Pesch has some things associated with his system already. It was Pesch who first coined the phrase ‘Solidarity’ as a description of social Catholic action – the title famously given to the trade union organisation (hugely supported by the Vatican) at the shipyard in Gdansk and other places in Poland at the end of the communist era.
His view of a dominant Catholicism for America, economically, is one of a nation virtually defined by the teachings of that church. One whose enemies (defined by Pesch himself) include liberal capitalists and of course, socialists. (Sounds familiar, yes ?). The morality of this new economic system will be nothing less than that found in encyclicals issued by the papacy in Rome.
Those who support Pesch's ‘Brave New World’ system of economics will be approved by such a Catholic state but those who dissent will effectively be rejected. A revival of Roman Catholic power, and this time in the USA and in Europe.
Critics of Pesch say there are major difficulties in trying to impose any church based system on western capitalist democracies. First, of course, those who drew up the Constitution of the USA and other democratic states were wise to keep church and state separate. Secondly, countries like the USA are far too mistrustful of a rampant Catholicism or any single dominant religious authority. And, thirdly, though the immense power and influence of the Catholic Church is undeniable (and is still growing) there is no realistic possibility that any single church or religious system would ever be accepted by democratic society as a whole. (Unless society choses to bypass democracy and its own Constitution completely in a time of virtual lawlessness).
Supporters of Pesch admit these difficulties. But conferences take place all over Europe these days on Pesch’s model in the belief that, eventually, the sheer financial power of corporate America will support Pesch's scheme and that their combined pressure will be enough to amend the US Constitution in support of his model of a Catholic church and state. Needless to say, critics also point out that his vision (almost unreported to date in mainstream media) is a threat to civil liberties.
I mention Pesch’s system because it's now being taught in schools and colleges (particularly those run by the hugely influential Jesuit colleges and universities of the USA and Europe) and because such a plan is sure to meet serious opposition once its implications are appreciated. That major corporations are silent backers of Jesuit colleges and universities is, of course, easily shown.
Pesch’s plan is therefore a simple one - that capitalist society would be ruled from a center of authority approved by and subject to the Catholic Church and no other source of authority. But Pesch (as others before him) seems to have forgotten (or was ignorant of the fact) that in Christianity its Founder specifically taught that ‘My kingdom is NOT of this world’. How such a simple fact can be set to one side has not been explained. An error of this kind by an economist or social thinker (one who professes Christianity) is surely one of the most serious that can be made. That the Catholic Church (supported, no doubt, by its various ecumenical affiliates) does have colossal financial power within the word of big business is indisputable. But, (even within the Vatican), there has always been corruption, sleeze, bad practice and downright dishonesty. Such facts will always remain obvious and will always be able to be shown. Pesch sees no future for socialism of any kind.
Corporate America already owes the American people a great deal. It's lobbying power has been immense. It remains to be seen whether Americans will now be seduced by Pesch’s economic system.
I would welcome the chance to use this forum as a place to discuss the Jesuits of America and the events of 9/11 with you if such exchanges are possible between us in goodwill. I offer you my own goodwill with nothing but truth as the objective for this post.
Noemi- Broj komentara : 128
Registration date : 2015-03-19
_Ivan_- Broj komentara : 24
Registration date : 2014-09-21
B92: Hrvati u šoku kada je progovorio o životnoj borbi sa Sotonom: "Rekao mi je da imamo krvni savez od četiri godine"
Željka J.- Broj komentara : 2
Registration date : 2015-12-19
Posto na sajtu imamo ispovjest bivseg astrologa, Janje Todorovic http://www.religija.me/okultizam/ispovest_astrologa.pdf , interesantno je vidjeti nastavak njenog puta u propast.
U avgustu prosle godine bila je gost na drzavnoj televiziji Republike Srpske, predstavila se kao pravoslavni publicista, hriscanka, a voditelj je predstavio naslove nekoliko njenih knjiga.
Naravno, ona je podobna za nacionalnu televiziju, i tamo moze podmuklo podmetat pravoslavlje kao pravu vjeru.
Rekla je da saradjuje u savjetodavnom centru arhiepiskopije Beogradsko- Karlovacke, u Beogradu, (u Beogradjanki imaju cijeli sprat),zajedno njih 30-oro ljudi raznih struka, kaze pomazu ljudima vezano za ovisnosti i razbijanje zabluda i da je 50 000 ljudi proslo te godine kroz centar.
Kaze da je "majka crkva" zakonita duhovna institucija i reklamira pravoslavne duhovnike. Kaze da i sama ima blagoslov crkve za iscjeljenje. Ode zena..
U avgustu prosle godine bila je gost na drzavnoj televiziji Republike Srpske, predstavila se kao pravoslavni publicista, hriscanka, a voditelj je predstavio naslove nekoliko njenih knjiga.
Naravno, ona je podobna za nacionalnu televiziju, i tamo moze podmuklo podmetat pravoslavlje kao pravu vjeru.
Rekla je da saradjuje u savjetodavnom centru arhiepiskopije Beogradsko- Karlovacke, u Beogradu, (u Beogradjanki imaju cijeli sprat),zajedno njih 30-oro ljudi raznih struka, kaze pomazu ljudima vezano za ovisnosti i razbijanje zabluda i da je 50 000 ljudi proslo te godine kroz centar.
Kaze da je "majka crkva" zakonita duhovna institucija i reklamira pravoslavne duhovnike. Kaze da i sama ima blagoslov crkve za iscjeljenje. Ode zena..
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
Sviđa mi se vaš pristup i čvrstina, nadam se da ćemo sarađivati.
Što se tiče ove gospođe, jeste problem to što ona misli da se vratila vjeri, a i ta brojka od 50 hiljada govori da je iz jedne obmane prešla u drugu i da privlači "klijente" jednako kao prije. Moguće da tu nema ništa podmuklo jer ne zna za bolje. Koga uhvate "duhovnici" pod svoje završio je sa razumnom religijom.
Mnogo bi bolje da se provjeri ima li neko sa stvarnim iskustvom obraćenja iz astrologije pa da se to postavi i makne ovo...
Što se tiče ove gospođe, jeste problem to što ona misli da se vratila vjeri, a i ta brojka od 50 hiljada govori da je iz jedne obmane prešla u drugu i da privlači "klijente" jednako kao prije. Moguće da tu nema ništa podmuklo jer ne zna za bolje. Koga uhvate "duhovnici" pod svoje završio je sa razumnom religijom.
Mnogo bi bolje da se provjeri ima li neko sa stvarnim iskustvom obraćenja iz astrologije pa da se to postavi i makne ovo...
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
"SEĆAM SE LEPOG DEČAČIĆA" Bizarna priča o "lažnom Norvežaninu" seže do BLUDNOG VLADIKE
I onda vojnici ovih ustanova dođu kod nas na sajt IRI da nam pridikuju i pokušaju da nas "vrate pravovjerju".
Zaista je neshvatljivo u šta sve ljudi mogu da vjeruju i da se pri tom ponašaju nadmeno i samoubijeđeno.
I onda vojnici ovih ustanova dođu kod nas na sajt IRI da nam pridikuju i pokušaju da nas "vrate pravovjerju".
Zaista je neshvatljivo u šta sve ljudi mogu da vjeruju i da se pri tom ponašaju nadmeno i samoubijeđeno.
ljuba79- Broj komentara : 127
Registration date : 2015-07-23
- Post n°68
Biseri pravoslavlja
Zaista zalosno dokle to sve ide...
Vrhunac mi je ovaj snimak:
Neka ovo bude na otvaranje ociju nasim sugradjanima...
Zaista zalosno dokle to sve ide...
Vrhunac mi je ovaj snimak:
Neka ovo bude na otvaranje ociju nasim sugradjanima...
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
PAHOMIJEV ČOVEK PRETI "BLICU" Opasno je to što radite
I svjetovni ljudi vide šta se radi ali je problem što skoro niko ne želi bolje i da se obrati Bogu.
Crkve su i dalje njihovo utočište za nečistu savjest.
Većina kritičara bi i sami radili isto da se nađu na nekoj poziciji moći.
I svjetovni ljudi vide šta se radi ali je problem što skoro niko ne želi bolje i da se obrati Bogu.
Crkve su i dalje njihovo utočište za nečistu savjest.
Većina kritičara bi i sami radili isto da se nađu na nekoj poziciji moći.
ljuba79- Broj komentara : 127
Registration date : 2015-07-23
- Post n°70
Срамота и скандал у зајечарској епархији: Брат владике тимочког Илариона освештао ноћни клуб
PavleS- Admin
- Broj komentara : 3744
Registration date : 2008-11-01
ljuba79- Broj komentara : 127
Registration date : 2015-07-23
Nije prikladan sadržaj za ovu temu.
Nije prikladan sadržaj za ovu temu.
Nebojša- Broj komentara : 143
Registration date : 2013-08-19
giga- Broj komentara : 66
Registration date : 2015-02-08
Yesterday at 20:07 by PavleS
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